how you can help us support First Nations organisation Children's Ground
Travelling in Australia means travelling on Aboriginal Land – as a travel organisation, this means putting our money where our mouth is when it comes to supporting First Nations communities. Since our inception, Aweventurer has been donating a percentage of profits from each traveller from every one of our Australia trips to Children’s Ground, an incredible organisation that works with whole communities to break systems of inequality and poverty in Australia.
Who are Children’s Ground
Children’s Ground is an innovative charity, led by First Nations people, for First Nations People. Their charity model is the first of its kind in Australia, unique in its holistic, community-based approach that aims to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty and inequity. Unlike traditional approaches to welfare that focus on the short term, Children’s Ground will work alongside children, communities, and families for a 25-year minimum. As their principles state, they “start early”, “stay for the long term”, and deliver “the whole, not the bits”. Their model is supported by global evidence, promoting the agency of locals through engagement with indigenous communities.
“Children’s Ground is replacing a system where children live with injustice and disadvantages, with a system that celebrates culture, recognises talent and inspires hope.”
What they do
Children’s Ground’s vision is three-pronged, targeting community change, systems change, and society change. They work with communities in Central Australia, the Top End, and Melbourne, engaging members from 0-24 and their families. With an emphasis on learning, well-being, and development, their programs ran the gamut from education, to health, to economic and community development.
The survival and continuation of children’s First language and culture is a central part of their project. The Children’s Ground Learning & Wellbeing Platform works to prioritise this through education programs that take place on country, learning First language and practicing cultural dance and song.
it is critical to work with early years children to slow down and connect to Country. In Central Australia, educators from Mpweringke Anapipe have been working with children on mindfulness and calming activities. As one Senior Arrernte Educataor recalls of an afternoon, “we heard the nyingke (zebra finch) flying from tree to tree and the ayerre (wind) blowing in from the north. It was mwerre (good) for the little ones to just lay still and rest,” said one Senior Arrernte Educator.
What you can do
You can support Children’s Ground by donating today to support First Nations children and families. The organisation also runs various campaigns through the year – their current campaign is Dine for a Difference, a fundraising initiative that brings family and friends together to talk about change. Finally, sign their petitions, and shop in their webstore, showcasing products made and designed by the communities they work with.
To find out more, visit Follow them on Instagram @childrensground and find them on Facebook @childrensgroundaus.